
The present activity shall aim at the design and development of low-cost personal gap fillers, providing indoor coverage inbuildings for the hybrid satellite/terrestrial system defined by the DVB-SH specifications. Both Base-Band and RF functions shallbe covered. Particular effort shall be placed in minimizing the gap-filler cost, in order to allow for a large deployment andincreased service availability. Both DVB-SH re-transmitters and ?enhanced? gap fillers with satellite return link transmissionshall be developed. The preliminary specifications for the return link air interface will be provided by ESA following theoutcomes of previous studies. They are expected to cover the low-rate messaging return link for different type of services likethe data acquisition and location based services for the vehicular scenario and the interactive TV and additional broadcastingservices with some degree of interactivity for the in-home scenario. The activity will result in gap f

Tender Specifics