*On Delegation Request (formerly called Priority 2)
Objective: The objective of the activity is to design, manufacture and test a reduced engineering model of a Ka-band compact linearised channel amplifier for Travelling Wave Tubes which consists of an RF line-upand the control interface.
Targeted Improvements: Highly integrated linearised channel amplifiers with at least 25 per cent mass and size reduction.
Description: The pressure to reduce price and delivery time of equipment for commercial telecommunication satellites is ever increasing. This is particularly true for highly recurrent units such as frequency converters, low-noise amplifiers andchannel amplifiers, where the competition is fierce. New Silicon Germanium (SiGe) processes allow the integration of RF functions as well as analogue and digital interfaces. It is also anticipated that new technologies, such as flip chip or plastic packaging, mayhelp in the development of next-generation products that remain in line with market expectations.
This activity is a first step towardsa single chip linearized channel amplifier unit using a SiGe process. It targets the integration of the RF line up and the control interfaces. This will be achieved by developing integrated silicon devices and evaluating different packaging technologies. A scaledengineering model of a Ka-band compact linearised channel amplifier for travelling wave tubes, consisting of an RF line-up and the control interface, shall be designed, manufactured and validated by experimental testing.
*On Delegation Request (formerlycalled Priority 2) activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one National Delegation.