*On Delegation Request (formerly called Priority 2)
The objective is to reduce the beam divergence of some types of electric propulsion (from 45° to less than 30°) so as to ease their accommodation on GEO spacecraft.
Targeted Improvements: Reduction in plume divergence to less than 30 degrees half-cone angle. Increase in thrust efficiency of more than 10%.
Description: Some Electric Propulsion Thrusters have a beam divergence up to 45 degrees. Apart from the loss of efficiency it results in, it also generatesconstraints for their accommodation on GEO spacecraft. Indeed, for station keeping, the thruster plumes may hit the solar panels, which leads to solar cells, and especially interconnectors, being eroded by the high energy ions in the beam.
This so-called plume effect imposes to deviate the thrusters axis from the North or South direction, which leads to a loss in performance at system level. The beam divergence mostly depends on the magnetic field topology within the thruster but also on the geometry of the discharge channel. Using existing modelling tools, it is only possible to study the relationship between these parameters qualitatively. It is then necessaryto perform tests to tackle the issue in a quantitative manner. Data already exists on various thrusters, which can serveas a starting point for the analysis.
The proposed activity shall address the objectives to reduce the thruster plume divergence toless than 30degrees and to increase thrust efficiency by greater than 10%. The main outcomes of the activity shall be a study report describingthe work performed and the technical solutions. The technical outcomes shall be demonstrated using a Scaled Engineering Model thruster
*On Delegation Request (formerly called Priority 2) activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one National Delegation.
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes".