Objective: To design, manufacture and test one EM of a Tx-Rx diplexer for L-Band applications.
Targeted Improvements:
- 30% mass and size reduction
- 100% RF powerhandling increase
Coaxial resonators are currently the standard technologies for L-band filters and multiplexers, however this technology is inherently bulky and often leads to significant size and mass overruns. Moreover, current solutions are only suited for low and medium power operation up to 50 Watt.
One important application that benefits from both miniaturisation and/or power handling increase, is that of Mobile missions where a large number of Tx-Rx diplexers (typically more than 100 units) are integrated on-board of large GEO multibeam satellites.
In this activity a new class of compact diplexers for 100 W RF power operation shall be developed based on dielectric technology, used either as a main resonator concept or as a filling feature for the filter critical gaps. Preliminary work at filter level has shown that a footprint reduction up to 30% can be achieved compared with coaxial technology, whilst maintaining similar in-band and out-of-band performance. However, this results needs
to be extended at diplexer level, with a detailed trade-off between in-line and cross-coupled filters for complex transfer functions. Other major challenges exist in terms of increased temperature range and higher RF power handling (average, multipactor and PIM) which shall be addressed simultaneously.
- The first step of the proposed activity shall be the review of current state of the art addressing both single-mode and dual-mode operation, including detailed evaluation of dielectric resonators properties, miniaturization and mounting techniques for high power L-Band applications.
- In the second step, two different design concepts based on dielectric technology shall be studied and developed into two diplexer BB units. One concept shall be selected for the design of one EM.
The final step shall be the manufacturing, assembling and high power testing of the EM unit.
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs andR&D entities in ESA programmes".
Tender Specifics