Objective: Design and develop link and network layer mechanisms to enable the routing of data over inter-satellite links between smaller satellites.
Targeted Improvements: Enable or augment communications missions based on small satellites with the capability of lightweight inter-satellite communications between such smaller satellites.
Description: Within industry, a number of commercial telecommunication missions are considered that would be enabled by - or benefit from - the capability of inter-satellite link based communications within constellations based on smaller satellites.
It is therefore required to develop medium access, network layer, and routing solutions (based on e.g. channel routing, digital transparent processing, on-board software defined radio) that can be accommodated on small satellite platforms.
The activity shall establish requirements for simplified routing mechanisms for candidate small satellite missions. Solutions shall be designed for such routing mechanisms, taking into account target satellite platform, frequency bands, RF characteristics, access methods, link and network layer issues. The activity shall establish a testbed (at breadboard or "FLATSAT" level) in which the most promising solutions can be validated and demonstrated.