Priority 2 activities will only be initiated on the explicit request of at least one delegation.
This activity proposes to developelectro-optic laser scanning techniques for use in free space optical links in order to replace bulky gimbal based opto-mechanical laser beam pointing assemblies.
Targeted improvements:
50% saving in mass compared to a gimbal based implementation and elimination of the sensitive to micro-vibration.
Currently the laser beams used in free space optical terminals are steered using bulky gimbal based opto-mechanical assemblies. Advanced liquid crystal based waveguides manufacturing techniques holds the potential for analog or refractive steering approaches which can be used to scan a laser beam in 2 dimensions while achieving, over a wide-field-of view, a high pointing accuracy (sub-micro radian) and relatively large beam diameters (> 1cm).
These devices also maintain a low electrode count. Such devices could therefore be used to replace the current opto mechanical assembly in free space optical terminals. The use of this technology would be particularly attractive for applications requiring fast scan rates with high optical throughput requiring low mass and power consumption. In a first phase of the activity innovative low size, mass, and power laser beam steering technology shall be examined.
A concept will then be developed leading to a design that meets the field of regard, scan rate and throughput requirements. In a second phase the proposed solution shall be fully constructed in a breadboard and a representative experiment performed that proves the viability of the selected approach.