
Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of receiver techniques for non-orthogonal transmission schemes that allow for a significant improvement in the achievable data throughput (targeting 40% improvement) over a satellite channel dominated by interference in the presenceof linear and non-linear impairments. 

Targeted Improvements: Capability to receive non-orthogonal signals with a very high spectral efficiency (in bit/sec/Hz) in satellite communication channels. Efficient receiver techniques implementation with a reduced level of complexity.


Recent ESA studies on the waveform definition and modem techniques design have shown a new approach to transmission scheme over satellite channels. Unlike the conventional transmission schemes where the interference between adjacent transmitted symbols or adjacent carriers are regarded as a source of impairment, in this novel approach the interference is tolerated, thus resulting in higher transmission rates per carrier and/or smaller carrier spacing, which overall improve the spectral efficiency.

Theoretical investigations indicate that relaxing the signal orthogonality (e.g., polarisation, frequency, symbol timing, coding) constraints open up new dimensions in the waveform design that allow for the increase of the achievable rates. Software simulation results indicate up to 40% improvement in spectral efficiency by using such transmission schemes compared to what is achievable using current standards.

There are however several challenges ahead to achieve the target performance gain in a satellite channel environment. The goal of the proposed activity is to:

  • Consolidate the analysis and design of receiver techniques compatible with new transmission schemes including synchronisation, channel estimation, detection and decoding
  • Perform performance versus complexity analysis of the receiver techniques and define the baseline design for two representative satellite system scenarios (e.g., single carrier and multi carriers per transponders)
  • Identify key parameters to carry out sensitivity analysis
  • Implement the receiver (prototype) in a representative transmission chain and satellite channel environment as a validation platform
  • Carry out test campaign to fully characterise the receiver performance

The activity aims to reuse as many elements as possible from the existing open standard (such as DVB-S2 and its evolution) and complement it with other elements to achieve the target gain for the new air interface.

The activity will target a real-time platform to demonstrate the proof of concept and to characterise the receiver prototype.

Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs).

Tender Specifics