The objective of the activity is to develop and implement the adaptations required onto off-the-shelf solutions to integrate High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS) into satellite control centres and to develop a breadboard of the satellite control system for HAPS.
Targeted Improvements: Enabling the integration of HAPS operations into satellite control centres.
High altitude pseudo-satellites (HAPS) bring synergies with their space-borne counterparts, and call for integrated multi-layer systems (GEO, MEO, LEO and HAPS) capable of delivering unprecedented performance and services. The fact that HAPS are airborne vehicles makes their integration into satellite systems a natural step. Nonetheless, these vehicles have peculiarities in their operations that needto be catered for in terms of platform, planning, payload and data management. At present, there is no solution available to control and operate all layers as a single integrated system. Therefore, the activity undertakes the necessary developments to allow satcom operators to control all nodes in their network including HAPS, which are an integral part of the satcom system and not an end user.
This activity aims at identifying and implementing the elements required for HAPS operations within existing satellite control systems, hence enabling an integrated multi-layer solution capable of managing assets independently of the orbit type, platform, frequency bands, etc. The adaptations that are required to enable HAPS operations include, but are not limited to mission planning, payload management, platform management, system interfaces, user interface, system configuration and automation, monitoring and control, data archiving, processing and distribution. The activity shall define system architectures and operational concepts (including HAPS platform maintenance) for the integration of HAPS into satellite systems. Then, the activity shall develop and validate the satellite control centre upgrades required to integrate HAPS in the satellite system.
Tender Specifics