Objective: To design and demonstrate innovative solutions for uncoordinated access networks targeting low duty cycle and low volumetraffic (independent of operating frequency bands).This will allow aggressive resource sharing while significantly reducing the power consumption and the cost of the user terminals.
Targeted Improvements: The proposed activity aims to design and develop innovative techniques at the satellite network gateways for highly efficient use of satellite resources for the reception of short messagesfrom uncoordinated satellite user terminals.The activity considers different system scenarios, including GEO/LEO satellite, fixed and mobile users. In particular, the impact of the frequency Doppler, fading and power variation will be taken into account.
Description: There has been promising development of physical layer and Media Access Control (MAC) layer schemes for asynchronous terminals transmitting short messages. Performance results show between 60% to 90% improvement in the system overall capacity compared to state-of-the-art schemes (and three orders of magnitude improvement with respect to classical ALOHA random access) while maintaining similar complexity of the user terminal baseband processing. The technique investigated in a previous TRP study allows reducing the terminal peak power required to achieve a given throughput.
The design of Enhanced Spreading Slotted Aloha (E-SSA) and its evolution asdeveloped under the TRP activity as a software model would be considered as the input. The focus of the development will be on the receiving end (the satellite gateway) where the computation complexity is more demanding.
Considering the high interest in systems with massive number of users, with stringent constraints on power consumption at the user terminal, the proposed solution can significantly improve the throughput and system loading while allowing for cost-effective implementation of the user equipment.
Work Logic:
- define the operational scenarios, system architectures, applicable physical layer techniques,
- develop the real-time lower layersatellite gateway sub-systems (mainly Layer 1 and Layer 2),
- carry out emulations of the new protocol at the physical and MAC layer as well as representative models of the front-end (including the antenna),
- validation of the access protocol in representativesatellite scenarios.
Tender Specifics