The objective of the activity is to develop a channel performance model based on numerical weather prediction models along with thefeedback provided by the ground terminals of a satcom system. The model will generate short-term statistical nowcasts and forecastsof the propagation conditions in each point of the system's coverage. The system throughput and availability gains achieved by the model will be validated and demonstrated in an end-to-end system simulator.
Targeted Improvements: Enabling real time prediction of channel performance at user terminal locations.
Description: Satellite systems may use Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)to estimatethe propagation conditions for a specific location or coverage area. Besides, the deployment of large networks of user terminalsat Ka band allows the operator to obtain a detailed map of link quality conditions over the coverage area and to monitor its evolution in time. The synergic use of NWP data with link quality maps will permit the separation of system and channel effects allowing the operator to manage efficiently the system's resources. In addition, it will help supporting the handover of feeder linksthat is otherwise a complex undertaking. This activity will develop a channel performance model based on a high-resolution numerical weather prediction system (e.g. the Weather Research and Forecasting -WRF- model) along with the feedback provided by the ground terminals of a satcom system. The model will generate short-term statisticalnowcasts and forecasts of the propagation conditions in each pointof the system's coverage. The system throughput and availability gains achieved by the model will be validated and demonstrated in an end-to-end system simulator.
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes".
Tender Specifics