Objective: To identify how space-based optical communication technologies, in particular quantum cryptography, can be designed, deployed and used to protect European critical infrastructure.
Targeted Improvements: Technical and operational requirements for the protection of critical infrastructure by space-based systems and a development roadmap for the critical enabling technologies.
Description: This activity targets the protection of European critical infrastructure through the exploitation of secureoptical communication technologies. European critical infrastructure means critical infrastructure located in European Union states, the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on at least two states (e.g. related to energy, health, transport, telecommunications, finance, security and space assets).
The activity shall identify the potential deficiencies of existing secure solutions for critical infrastructure protection, including crypto key management and distribution. It shall identify the required technology developments, concepts of operation and possible scenarios for deployment in space in a 2020 - 2025 timeframe. The technical and operational requirements for space-based systems (e.g. low earth orbit satellites, geostationary satellites, ground segment) shall beestablished and a business case developed for the protection of critical infrastructures using optical communication technologies, such as quantum key distribution.
Tender Specifics