
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1121 - 1160 of 1647
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Aging Effects Modelling for the New Generation of GaAs/Ge Cells

Development of Ge-based Substrates enabling High Voltage Integrated Multi-Junction Modules

3-way Isolation Valve (3IV)

DVB-S2 Satellite Experiment

Active Pixel Sensor based Star Tracker

Emulator for an ETSI BSM-Compliant SI-SAP Interface

DTH Receiver with Small Aperture Antenna

Low Phase Noise Reference Oscillator

Alphabus: An Extended European Capability


Frequency Flexible Command Receiver

High Data Rate 8-PSK Modulator

Integration of Satcom Access Networks in IMS Core Networks

Strategy For Introducing Innovation In Satcom Commercial Scenarios And Experimental Payloads Definitions

Anti-Reflection Coated Cover Glasses

Eurostar 3000 100V Accommodation

STYLIST - SW Tool for HYbrid SateLlite / TerrestrIal mobile BroadcaSting SysTem

Enhanced Local Oscillator for Frequency Converters

TERASAT - Approaching the terabit/s satellite: a system study

Approaching the Terabit/s Satellite: A system study

High Temperature Loop Heat Pipe (HTLHP)

Optimisation of NS, EW Station Keeping Manoeuvres for Geo Satellites Using Electric Propulsion


UNISAT (Uniform Management and Control of DVB-RCS Terminals)

SIMPLE - Satellite Interactive Multimedia Platform for Low-cost Earth-stations

South West Broadband Initiative


Satcom Market Monitoring II



Down and Up Converter Module

Cost-Effective GSM over DVB-RCS, New Bands, Industrialisation and Pre-Production

Circular OMT for complete C-Band (TX: 3.625 - 4.200GHz; RX: 5.850 - 6.425 GHz)

Very High Power S-Band

Qualification of a new generation C Band input multiplexer

Alphasat - Payload Calibration Units

Half-Height Satellite-on-the-Move Antenna System

On Ground Beam Forming Network and Multiuser Detection Proof of Concept

Analysis and Definition of the Satellite System Operations Project Team Hermes

European Roadmap for Flexible Payloads