
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1121 - 1160 of 1601
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SIRIO- study for the Satellite air-ground Interface with Reliable and Interoperable Operations

Susceptibility of Solar Arrays to Micrometeorite Impact

Miniaturized MWR for SatCom Ground Stations

Full GaAs Solar Array for Spacebus

Geographical Information System for Satellite Payload Operation (SCM-GIS)

BEST - Beam Switching Transmit-Receive Mobile User Terminal Antenna


ISIDE 4 Africa


Low Cost Hybrid Terminal Triple Play Solution

High Power Compact Ku Band OMUX

The Changing Regulatory and Evolutionary Environment and its impact on the Satellite Communication Business

Standardisation support of enhanced IETF IP encapsulation techniques for DVB-S: Joanneum Research

Propagation Effects For Mobile Multimedia Services

The L*IP Satellite Gateway

Service Quality Assessment for Ka-Band Satellite Personal Communications

Spread Spectrum TTC Transponder for Commercial Commuication Geostationary Satellites (SCOUT)

Hybrid Electro-optic ADC/DAC Module With Optical Interconnects

ACROSS - Applicability of Cognitive Radio (CR) to Satellite Systems

SAT-AIS Private Public Partnership (PPP) Scheme - Telespazio

SAT-AIS Private Public Partnership (PPP) Scheme - exactEarth

SAT-AIS Private Public Partnership (PPP) Scheme - Astrium

SAT-AIS Private Public Partnership (PPP) Scheme - SES

COSTARS: low COst S-band receive/Transmit Antenna for vehiculaR applicationS

IP Security over Satellite - Vega Group

Espresso for Schools




Investigation of Advanced Satellite Applications Adapted to Development Needs in Insular and Mountainous Countries


Mobile Ku Band Receiver Demonstrator

SES Astra/Redu Space Services EDRS phase 0 study

Transport Layer Optimization for Dynamic Bandwidth Satellite Networks


Sat3Play ACM Ka-Ku

CME - Channel Measurement Equipment

