
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1441 - 1480 of 1647
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Study of Satellite Role in 4G Mobile Networks

PERISCOPE: True Perspective on the Role of Satellite Broadband in Bridging the Digital Divide

eLearning of DVB

The OTV Channel

Almedia Satellite Enablement

Converters Receivers Evolution Programme Follow-on


Building Blocks for Cost-Effective GSM over DVB-RCS

C-Band ISO/HEMI Coverage Antennas

Ultralight Mechanism for Advanced Antenna Systems (ULMAAS)

Development of a Sealed Brush Gear Motor for deployment mechanism


Technical Assistance for Iris Communication Standards Evaluation - University of Salzburg

SatFlow Concept Demonstration

SAMARA - Analysis and Definition Phase of Satellite System for Artes 10 (Phase A)

Adaptation of CX-OLEV to SMART-OLEV

S-Band High Power Diplexer

PathFinder 1A

Eutelsat EDRS phase 0 study

Beam Hopping Techniques for Multibeam Satellite Systems - Indra Espacio

Final presentation of the IABG

Telespazio EDRS phase 0 study

Superconductive Materials For Electric Propulsion Systems (SCEP)

Technical Assistance for Iris Communication Standards Evaluation - DLR

ATSIG - Automated Troubleshooting of SatCom Ground Equipment

MMSA: Mobile Multimedia Satellite Antennas

ICOS - Iris Communications System Design Study Phase-A

Development of GEO Ka-Band Multimedia System (Domino 2)

SC1000 Field Terminal

SARFOS - Search And Rescue Forward Operation Support System

Satellite Data Service (SDS) Mark-2

Integrated QoS and Resources Management in DVB-RCS Networks: Alcatel Space


PCDU LEO Telecom

BGAN Extension Phase 1

Small GEO Mission Phase 0+A

DVB-RCS Transmitter