
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1441 - 1480 of 1601
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Micro Electro-Mechanical Louvers for Thermal Radiators

Resources Management using Adaptive Fade Mitigation Techniques (FMT) in DVB-RCS Multi-Beam Systems

Study of Payload Architecture Concepts based on New Enabling Technologies

C-Band OMT

Preparation for Internet to Trains Initiative: Broadband on Trains, Analysis of the Opportunity and Development Roadmap

SS-IOTS: Spread Spectrum In-Orbit Test System

Alphasat TDP#5: Q/V Band Payload

AlphaSat TDP#4: T6 Ion Thruster

Alphasat TDP#3: 2-Phase Deployable Radiator

Alphasat TDP#6 Feasibility Study - Star Tracker

Alphasat TDP#2: Optical Deep Space Link (O-DSL) Technology Demonstrator

Broadband to Trains

Low Loss, High Power Dielectric Filters




OSCAR: Optically-pumped Space Cesium Atomic Resonator


Alphasat TDP#8: Environment and Effects Facility (AEEF)

Alphasat TDP#7: Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop Flight Experiment

Alphasat TDP#1: Broadband Data Relay

Earth Sensing for FDIR Feasibility Assessment

Development of Ground Equipment for Atmospheric Propagation Assessment from 10 up to 90 GHz

Sky Eye Spy

OPASKEP (Optimisation of NS, EW Station-Keeping Manoeuvres for GEO Satellites using Electric Propulsion)

Novel Intra-System Interference Mitigation Techniques and Technologies for Next Generation Broadband Satellite Systems

Multimedia Terrestrial Infrastructure / Services Evolution and the Role of Satellites

PRIS - Prediction of Ionospheric Scintillations

Multimedia market survey

HPS in Home

Electroless Silver

Central Tube: Alcatel/SAAB

SDRRCS: Software Defined Radio for Regenerative Communications Satellites

Low Speed Serial Bus (LSSB)

Web-based Remote Monitoring Rider 2

Expanding Market Opportunities with New functionality (EMON)

IP-friendly cross-layer optimization of adaptive satellite systems

Bypass Removal


SDMB Radio Phase A