
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1521 - 1560 of 1601
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Health Information Services

HPS in Surgery


SkyLAN: GEO Cluster for Advanced Telecom Services

Platform Based Lens Antenna

Axial Grooved Heat Pipes Delta Qualification Programme


ELCOGEO (Impact of electric propulsion on the collocation of geostationary satellites)

Large Ku-Band Dual Polarized Multi-Contoured Antenna for frequency Re-use

Sky One

SaNTA - Transport Protocol and Communication Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks

VoIP Equipment for Satellite Use

Eurostar 3000 Structure Enhancement


L- and S-Band Travelling Wave Tubes (Step 3 and Step 4)

SCOS-2000 MultiSat

3GNet Sim - Network Simulator for Third Generation Mobile Satellite Systems


InfraRed Earth Sensor IRES N2

APSS - Active Pixel Sun Sensor

Bandwidth-efficient Burst Mode Demodulator

IODA: Improvement Of Distress beacon Architecture



STD15S-mk2 Infrared Earth Sensor

Interactive Broadband DVB-RCS/S OBP Communication System (AMERHIS)

ALUSAT - Always Up Satellite Terminals

RDIU (Remote Data and Interface Units)

TV Beyond 2000

Advanced Decoding Algorithms for Satellite Broadcasting

TRANSAT - Transport Protocol and Communication Resource Management for Mobile Satellite Networks

Phase Shifter Module

Feasibility Study of a Mobile Ku-band System

RF Product Family for Telecommunications Phase 3

RF Product Family for Telecommunications Phase 2


Thin Film Solar Cell & Panel (SOCL)

Harmonization of DVB-RCS Management and Control planes (HM&C)

Satellite Services in Latin America and Africa based on the DVB-RCS Standard: Telefonica

High Performance Constant Conductance Heat Pipes (HPCCHP)