
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1401 - 1440 of 1601
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PERISCOPE: True Perspective on the Role of Satellite Broadband in Bridging the Digital Divide

Study of Satellite Role in 4G Mobile Networks



eLearning of DVB

The OTV Channel

Almedia Satellite Enablement

Converters Receivers Evolution Programme Follow-on


Building Blocks for Cost-Effective GSM over DVB-RCS

C-Band ISO/HEMI Coverage Antennas

Ultralight Mechanism for Advanced Antenna Systems (ULMAAS)

Development of a Sealed Brush Gear Motor for deployment mechanism


Technical Assistance for Iris Communication Standards Evaluation - University of Salzburg

SatFlow Concept Demonstration

SAMARA - Analysis and Definition Phase of Satellite System for Artes 10 (Phase A)

PathFinder 1A

Adaptation of CX-OLEV to SMART-OLEV

S-Band High Power Diplexer

Telespazio EDRS phase 0 study

Final presentation of the IABG

Eutelsat EDRS phase 0 study

Beam Hopping Techniques for Multibeam Satellite Systems - Indra Espacio

Superconductive Materials For Electric Propulsion Systems (SCEP)

Technical Assistance for Iris Communication Standards Evaluation - DLR

ATSIG - Automated Troubleshooting of SatCom Ground Equipment

MMSA: Mobile Multimedia Satellite Antennas

ICOS - Iris Communications System Design Study Phase-A

SARFOS - Search And Rescue Forward Operation Support System

Development of GEO Ka-Band Multimedia System (Domino 2)

SC1000 Field Terminal

Satellite Data Service (SDS) Mark-2

Integrated QoS and Resources Management in DVB-RCS Networks: Alcatel Space


BGAN Extension Phase 1

PCDU LEO Telecom

Small GEO Mission Phase 0+A

DVB-RCS Transmitter

Actuator Drives Electronics (ADE5)