
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1121 - 1160 of 1659
Filter By Artes Elements

Compact Converter

Mobility Testing Environment for ATM safety communications

Passive Correlation Ranging (PaCoRa)

Implementation of Cloud-based Wireless-To-Go™

Optical Assemblies for Electro-Optical Satellite Data Transmission between Satellites (OADT)

High Performance C-/Ka-Band Coaxial Circulators

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)


Standardisation of Lateral Antennae Accomodation for Spacebus 4000C

Active Pixel Sensor based Star Tracker

Development of Ge-based Substrates enabling High Voltage Integrated Multi-Junction Modules

3-way Isolation Valve (3IV)

Aging Effects Modelling for the New Generation of GaAs/Ge Cells

Emulator for an ETSI BSM-Compliant SI-SAP Interface

DTH Receiver with Small Aperture Antenna

DVB-S2 Satellite Experiment

Low Phase Noise Reference Oscillator

Alphabus: An Extended European Capability


Frequency Flexible Command Receiver

High Data Rate 8-PSK Modulator

Integration of Satcom Access Networks in IMS Core Networks

Strategy For Introducing Innovation In Satcom Commercial Scenarios And Experimental Payloads Definitions

Anti-Reflection Coated Cover Glasses

Eurostar 3000 100V Accommodation

STYLIST - SW Tool for HYbrid SateLlite / TerrestrIal mobile BroadcaSting SysTem

Enhanced Local Oscillator for Frequency Converters

TERASAT - Approaching the terabit/s satellite: a system study

Approaching the Terabit/s Satellite: A system study


High Temperature Loop Heat Pipe (HTLHP)

Optimisation of NS, EW Station Keeping Manoeuvres for Geo Satellites Using Electric Propulsion


South West Broadband Initiative

UNISAT (Uniform Management and Control of DVB-RCS Terminals)

SIMPLE - Satellite Interactive Multimedia Platform for Low-cost Earth-stations

Satcom Market Monitoring II



Down and Up Converter Module