
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1001 - 1040 of 1651
Filter By Artes Elements

Air-ground Router for ATM Safety Communication

Integration and Trial of an Ad-hoc Terrestrial Component into Global Satellite Communications Systems

Demonstration Model of a Reflectarray for Telecommunication Antenna

Electromagnetic Interference Caused by Plasma Plumes (EPCOMSIM)

Bandpass Filter with In Orbit Reconfigurable Bandwidth

Mechanical Platform Improvement Plan

Robust Control Techniques for Large Satellites with Demanding Pointing Performances

Data at the Edge (DATE)

Development of a Generic Payload Control System

Multiple Feeds per Beam Feed System

Modular Design of Telecommunication Satellites (MDTS)

Generic Test Interface System - GTIS

Coarse InfraRed Earth Sensor IRES-C

EMAGS3: Flash-Over evaluation on large solar panels

RE-RS Global method for telecommunication satellite payload

Moulding Techniques for Telecommunications Antenna Reflectors

Active Charging Compensator System

SkyWAN® Release 7.2

Terminal for Small Satellite LEO Application (TESLA)

Contactless Angular Sensors for Telecom Satellites Long Lifetime Mechanisms

DC/DC Converter for Input Section Equipment

RF Optical Components for DBS

Optical Technologies for Ultra-fast Processing

Network Acceleration Client and Linux 2.6 HW/SW platform for optimal satellite-based communications

Ka Band High performance Reflectors for Broadband Services

Large Optical MEMS Switches Architectures for Broadband Applications

Cost Reduction Program for Solar Cell Manufacturing Processes

EPC Medium Power 3G

Wideband-DSP System

MENOS: Multimedia Exchange Network Over Satellite

VGSE - Versatile Ground Segment Equipment for End-to-End System Validation and Optimisation

High Voltage Module Improvement

Payload On-Board self calibration techniques

Content Creator Platform for Satellite Broadband

Eurostar 3000 AOCS Mk 1.5 Evolution

EUROSTAR E3000 Large Mechanical Platform Development

Jotron B120C Combined Ku/Ka-band antenna

Low Cost Anti Interference Techniques for SATCOM commercial Satellites

Ka Ingenious Space Solutions (KISS) - 25/17 GHz Communications Down-Converter