
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1201 - 1240 of 1659
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Mobile Ku Band Receiver Demonstrator

SES Astra/Redu Space Services EDRS phase 0 study

Transport Layer Optimization for Dynamic Bandwidth Satellite Networks


Sat3Play ACM Ka-Ku


CME - Channel Measurement Equipment





Feasibility Study for a Common Test Bed for DVB-RCS Terminals

Agile Payload Components

Payload Simulation Tool for Complex RF-Front-End Architectures

Forsway S2

SAGA - Satellite Advanced Global Architecture

TMO - Total Multimission Operations


COTV - HbbTV & HTML5 enhanced Community TV

Study Proposal for a UHF Transceiver

TNO Coarse Sun Sensor using European cells

Study of methods for assessing the public value of satcom in a spectrum trading environment

Use of Lower Cost Technology for next generation Telecommunications Spacecrafts

GMP-T Programme: Development of a cost efficient power system

Evolution Management station OBP - eNCC

MiLADY - Mobile satellite channeL with Angle DiversitY

Interworking in the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) for Future Aeronautical Data Communication System

Broadband Mediterranean Development (BB-MED)

COSAT: The role of satellite in converged fixed/mobile/broadcast environment

Multimedia Terrestrial Infrastructure / Services Evolution and the Role of Satellites

MIMO HW Demonstrator

Development of an Antenna Control Unit

NICOLE: Next Generation Interactive Broadcast Mobile Networks

CONT-TRAK: Container Tracking Terminal Development

Evolution of On-Board Processing Applications

Cost Benefit analysis for “non-safety” satellite based aeronautical services

SPEED - Satellite system for Public SafEty & sEcurity Domains


Low Cost 30GHz SSPA Development