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How space is connecting cars

Today’s connected cars are dynamic, updateable devices – and, because they can be updated, they are well equipped to become tomorrow’s cars. ESA is working with European carmakers to ensure that connected vehicles harness the full potential of space.

Opportunity: Digital Connected Globe

ESA would like to announce the launch and the initial phase of the “Digital Connected Globe” initiative, which will be issued under the ARTES Programme. It offers an opportunity for companies to express their interest to engage in the Digital Twin ecosystem activities.  

Pacis 3 thermal model successfully proves its capacity to withstand heat in latest tests

The Pacis 3 Tx active antenna has sailed through its next major milestone on its path to validation for SpainSat NG. Airbus Defence and Space has successfully tested the Active Antenna Thermal Model at the IberEspacio facilities in Madrid. The latest testing process has demonstrated that the design and thermal hardware mean that the model is capable of extracting heat from the antenna to keep the amplifiers within their operational range.

The Moon – where no satnav has gone before

The test version of a unique satellite navigation receiver has been delivered for integration testing on the Lunar Pathfinder spacecraft. The NaviMoon satnav receiver is designed to perform the farthest ever positioning fix from Earth, employing signals that will be millions of times fainter than those used by our smartphones or cars.

Opportunity: Space in Response to Humanitarian Crises

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at the end of 2020, 82.4 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, or events seriously disturbing public order.