
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1321 - 1360 of 1601
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Security for DVB-RCS at Control and Management Planes

Use of Satellite Triple Play Services in Emerging Countries




PocketSAT User Terminal Phase 3 Development

IMS Satcom Integration

Satcom Integration with IMS based Core Networks

Multimedia Satellite Equipment - ECOMUX (Extremely Compact Output Multiplexer)

Mobile Telecom Payload - RF Measurement System

ALOA PrePhase-B

Ground Terminals - Advanced Processes and Materials for Waveguide Components

Ka-Band Filters and Multiplexers

Hub Verification Test Bed

Multi-service IP next generation satellite networks

Converters Receivers Evolution Programme

Highly Integrated Converter

A Competitive Horn Antenna Family

T6 Ion Propulsion System predevelopment activities for Alphabus

Common Test Bed for DVB-RCS Terminals

Telecommunication and Tracking Multi-Mode Horn Design Optimisation

Space Environment Support System for Telecom/Navigation Missions (SESS)

L-Band ONETs

N-GAP: Norspace Generic Analogue Processor

Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop Flight eXperiment

Multimedia Ground Terminals and Equipment: End-to-End Performance and Security Enhancements

Next Generation DVB-RCS System and Technology Development

Evolution of the EMS DVB-RCS Solution

Indigo Integrated Digital Overlay

Implementation of the Common Test House for DVB-RCS Terminals

Ultra-high speed multi-carrier IP multicasting via DVB-S2

High Efficiency Optical Amplifier For On-Board Fiber Optic Subsystems Applications

Temperature Compensation Techniques for Waveguide Filters, Manifolds and Multiplexers - ComDev

Satcom Market Monitoring

ASTRID - Avionic SATCOM Terminal Research for Iris Development (RF-Front-End and Antenna Technologies)

IFSW: Near Term Evolution of Multimedia Facilities and Equipment

Study on Emerging Markets and Future Applications

Technical Assistance for Iris Communication Standards

EAM - European Apogee Motor

TV Snapshot