
In this page you can search all ARTES except ARTES 20 IAP, which can be found on Business Applications - Projects.

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Displaying 1041 - 1080 of 1601
Filter By Artes Elements

High Power Ka Band Multiplexer

Transmit Reconfigurable Multibeam Antenna

JANUS Bi-Band Maritime Antenna System


Lift Off


Quartz Oscillator Developments

Ka-band LNA Redundancy Switches


SATCOM Rail (Specification of a Certification Framework for SATCOM in Railway Safety Applications)

Software Standards Analysis for the Iris programme

Software Tool for the Design of High-Gain, Multi-frequency Reflector Antennas - with Exact Coupling Between Feed Horn and Surroundings

High Capacity Flexible Broadband Satellite Systems

Disruptive Technologies for Sub-Systems of GEO Telecommunication Satellite Platforms

K band Power Dividers

Demonstration of a closed loop H2/O2 fuel cell system

Invisible Posts for Antennas Systems (ISAS)

Plastic Liners for Pressure Tanks


INCAS - Innovative Contactless Angular Sensor

Apogee Engine Valve Development

FBAR/SAW for S-band and C-band filters

Low Profile Ku-Band TX/RX Antenna for SATCOM-On-The-Move (KU Panelized Array Antenna Tx Rx)

PETIT - compact high-PErformance filters for space applicaTIon based on dielectric resonator Technology


ADaptive Antenna for Telecommunication Links

Low Cost Single Channel 30/20 GHz Downconverter


PCDU for Satcom Constellation

Media Fleet Manager MFM 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3

Compact Converter

Mobility Testing Environment for ATM safety communications

Passive Correlation Ranging (PaCoRa)

Implementation of Cloud-based Wireless-To-Go™

Optical Assemblies for Electro-Optical Satellite Data Transmission between Satellites (OADT)

High Performance C-/Ka-Band Coaxial Circulators


AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

Standardisation of Lateral Antennae Accomodation for Spacebus 4000C

3-way Isolation Valve (3IV)