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The goal of this activity is to design enhanced waveforms to be used by the forward and return links of next generation broadband and narrowband satellite networks, together with the associated estimates in terms of system performance improvements and high level complexity.
With the maturation of electric propulsion technology it has become attractive to exploit the high specific impulse and reduce the propellant budget for orbit transfers. Numerical optimisation of the attitude profile in combination with detailed modelling of complex mission and model constraints is essential for achieving optimality of trajectories.
Iris Precursor will develop enhancements to existing aeronautical satcom to allow its operation in dense continental airspace. The enhanced system will comply with international standards being produced at EUROCAE/RTCA and ETSI, with performance equivalent to or exceeding the next generation of terrestrial VHF datalink services. A new entity would be established as service provider and undergo EASA certification.
SBGM is the acronym for the fully qualified RUAG Sealed Brush Gear Motor. The mechanism is mainly dedicated as in orbit motion control
and actuation for solar array panels, but can also be used for other applications where a robust, simple and space qualified actuator is required.
In the frame of the project, the actuator, consisting of a motor and a planetary gear, was developed and qualified for the deployment motorisation and speed regulation of the high power solar array for the Thales Alenia Space Spacebus used for commercial telecommunication satellites.
The project will evaluate how the evolution of the video distribution and content delivery sector impacts satellite networks and will assess how the satellite should adapt to and benefit from this new environment.
The project aims to develop and validate a Set Top Box prototype with a multi-standard decoder for a cost-effective HDTV satellite broadcast technologies. These technologies takes the idea of scalable service combining the usage of DVB-S2 VCM mode transmission and AVC+HEVC video coding (initially SVC)
Modular Top Floor Antenna is a new design concept for Top Floor antennas that gives priority to the modularity of the support structure.
This improved design allows boarding a variable number of antennas with minimum modifications of the structure, reducing in this way the planning and cost of this product.
The AISTB project aims at developing an End-to-End test tool able to evaluate the different AIS performances both at system and subsystem level, in a laboratory environment.
The AIS Testbed will be used in the Comparative Performance Assessment activity for evaluating the performances of existing or planned systems and of the underlying technologies.
Two main subsystems were developed: the AIS Receiver Testbench, capable of interfacing with different AIS receivers (prototype, engineering model, EQM) from different manufacturers to assess their functionality and performance; and the System Emulator, a software capable of modeling any AIS constellation with configurable key system parameters including vessels traffic distribution, constellation, access protocol as well as AIS antenna and receiver characteristics.
The AIS Receiver Test Bench also includes a prototyping hardware platform to be used to implement the AIS receiver algorithms specified by ESA for benchmarking purposes.
As a secondary objective, advanced beamforming techniques to enhance the satellite AIS detection performance were studied and evaluated in detail, possibly leading to a reduced constellation and thus a lower total space segment cost.
The “PCB cooling” project aimed at demonstrating the use of Loop Heat Pipe Technology for electronic card cooling. A multi-stage approach has been implemented to be able to cool a primary dissipative zone as well as additional zones on the PCB. It demonstrated the interest of such approach on a breadboard.
Cobham’s Adhoc Mesh Radio Over Satellite System (CAMROSS) can provide a team of users with adhoc communications, supporting voice, data and tracking, from a remote location with no existing terrestrial communications. Employing satellite communications it can be taken anywhere and setup in minutes. This low cost system is designed for first responders, security forces and professional applications.
The product developed in the frame of this activity is a Ku-band phased array antenna for the Land-mobile segment. The antenna combines a small form factor, low-profile lightweight and reliable performance thanks to the electronic elevation scanning.
AlN is an interesting new material for TWTs. Nevertheless, the requirements for space, like long-term stability and reliability are stringend for the AlN and need to be secured. This requires a good understanding of the material and the knowledge of the complete processing, including the material source. Long-term reliability had been fostered by a common approach – together with the supplier.
The future European Air Traffic Management (ATM) is currently being defined by the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme. The Iris programme is the satellite-based solution for the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme. By 2020 it will contribute to the modernisation of air traffic management by providing digital data links to cockpit crews in continental and oceanic airspace.
Within the Iris programme ANTARES (AeroNauTicAl REsources Satellite based) is the study that focuses on specification, design, development and testing of a new Communication Standard for satellite-based Air Traffic Management communications up to the level required for international standardisation.
The implementation of ANTARES project however revealed some gaps and ambiguities and potential improvements to the existing ICAO standards.
The PLIU is a unit containing command and acquisition channels of
standard type, like High Level Commands and Thermistor
acquisition channels. It contains power switches for heater control
and stepper motor drivers. The interface to a central computer
consists of a dual redundant Mil-Std-1553B bus.
The challenge is to make a low-cost production series by using
commercial components and a production friendly design.
The main objective of this activity is the development of a Novel SAT-AIS Receiver (NAIS), focusing on an in-orbit upgradable SDR platform with low power consumption, small size and advanced signal processing.
An innovative Ka-band multi-beam satellite payload for Broad-Band Services is proposed which is based on a conventional multi-beam payload architecture with an additional flexible payload section feeding a Steerable Antenna system. Such enhanced payload architecture allows using the Dual-Polarization at user beam level on the hot spots in order to increase the capacity utilization on highly uneven traffic demand distribution throughout the satellite coverage.
This project aims to design, manufacture and test an EM of a Ku band BFN module based on a multinode on chip implementation using a European MMIC process, as well as a multinode MMIC for use in future Ku band phased array mobile terminals.
The aim of this study is to take benefit from the availability of recently developed sensors to determine at system level how the AOCS could handle new functions or decrease its cost. On the other hand, to analyse new operators’ requirements induced by the increased number of collocated spacecraft or compliance to the French law about space activity.
The objective of the ESA MENOS Evolution project is to develop a coherent end-to-end IP network for multimedia exchange over satellite capable to support HD, Hybride services and broadcast work flows.
The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate innovative multilayer solutions involving GEO satellites, LEO/MEO constellations and High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) to provide internet for all services.
A detailed model of the preferred solution has been realised and simulated to evaluate the performance of the multi-layer system showing the interest and complementarity of the different layers.
The project completed the design and manufacture of an Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) of a Feed Block Assembly (FBA) for future Ka Band Single Feed Per Beam (SFPB) antenna programmes.
In this project, an efficient spectral monitoring concept design will be bread-boarded and validated using realistic in-space spectral sensing scenarios. Dynamic sensing within the C-, Ku-, Ka-bands are targeted, considering integration in commercial satellites with minimal impact in terms of size, weight, power consumption and complexity. This project targets a proof-of-concept architectural design and not a direct equipment design.
Flexible payloads in correlation with the raise of interest for C-band multibeam payloads due to frequency spectrum scarcity are emerging. Customers are currently considering the potential use of multibeam solutions for the replacement of ‘conventional’ solutions generating large beams. One of the main challenge is to develop the antenna configuration and associated feed clusters.
Through the Artes-34 R&D project “TTC” with ESA, Norspace has developed and qualified three different EQMs. These are a Command Receiver (Rx), a Beacon Transmitter (Bx) and a Telemetry Transmitter (Tx). In addition a 31dBm Ku Band output amplifier module has been qualified under the frame of this contract.
This has been an important and strategic activity for Norspace, and this development project has established the company as a provider of TTC equipment for space.
The main strategic and technical objectives have been met, and commercial orders for flight models of Beacons, Transmitters and Command Receivers have been signed. This success shows that this program has been very useful and demonstrates an efficient use of ESA funding.
The study investigated various Optical Beamforming Networks (OBFN) and associated optical techniques and technologies to satisfy the mission scenarios and requirements developed during the initial part of the study.
Two options were identified as the promising option to investigate further and detailed design of these two options were investigated.
LNAFIN Oy implements a Q-band LNA according to ESA specifications. The unit is waveguide packaged, and its specifications include NF=2.5 dB, gain >30 dB and better than -18 dB wideband matching.
The objective of this activity was to increase the robustness and speed of the EEE parts procurement and testing of the Regys20 gyrometer for space applications. This comprised of 2 main work packages: i) EEE parts procurement transfer from Syderal to Sagem, through a CPPA (centralized parts procurement agent), and ii) the robustification of the testing process. This latter WP consists of 4 main points of improvement:
- 2 additional two-axes rate tables were qualified to avoid a bottleneck in the AIT process
- The EEPROM management process was enhanced with multiple checks to avoid human operator error and detect read/write errors
- The calibration process was robustified to automatically detect out-of-family-behaviour
- The test sequence was automated to allow weekend and night-time automated testing and save considerable time.
The combination of the above 2 WPs has considerably increased the competitiveness of the Regys20 and increased the robustness of the AIT process.
NanoSpace has under this contract continued to develop a gauging system to predict the residual propellant on-board satellites in orbit. The target market is medium and large satellites in Geo-synchronous orbits. The main value lies in capability to predict end-of-life with high accuracy – for a typical satellite down to a few weeks. A first engineering model has been designed, built, and tested together with propellant tanks up to 368 litres within this contract. Test results have demonstrated accuracies between 0.07% to 0.35%, depending of amount of gas injected. Test results compared with EcosimPro-simulations shows excellent agreement.
The design of a T/R Ku-band electronically steerable antenna based on a horizontal integration has considered various approaches, covering both technological and system aspects, enabling the realization of a low-cost architecture. The antenna uses the available aperture for both Tx and RX functions and the RF components are integrated in a single horizontal board which allows an effective manufacturing process and avoid the need for complex mechanical structures and RF connectivity.
The objective of the study is to develop and validate a digital test bench for use during AIT and IOT for all C-band to Ku-band payloads, exploiting innovative and rapid RF test techniques to significantly reduce the overall test schedule. Furthermore extension to Ka-band payloads and RF interface using optical fiber are designed.
The objective of this ARTES3-4 project is to study and to design a multi-reflectors pallet antenna. This new antenna product is envisaged to generate several coverages from one antenna structure and one single deployment. The design drivers of the product are the capability to accommodate several reflectors from 2 to 5, with different diameters varying from 1600mm to 900mm, a focal length varying from 1.9m to 3.2m. The reflector mounted on the pallet shall be able to operate in Ku and Ka frequency bands, and to realise mono beam and multibeams misions. Moreover, the pallet product shall be compatible of small launchers and several platforms like Spacebus, Eurostar and Alphabus. This antenna should be accommodated in double deployment. All these characteristics are considered to design this new product.
In the frame of this activity an innovative Ku-band high power reconfigurable multibeam broadcast antenna has been designed, with the development and test of a demonstrator model. The most promising payload solutions suitable to support the present application in terms of both antenna configuration and front-end architecture have been identified and investigated in detail. This extended trade-off activity led to an innovative antenna solution consisting of a Confocal antenna configuration fed by an aperiodic feed array.
The designed Confocal antenna architecture, associated with sparse/aperiodic array feeding system, creates an innovative approach capable to fulfill the reconfigurable regional coverage mission in Ku-band, with full array operation and then full reconfiguration capability, full power allocation flexibility and graceful degradation, minimizing the number of controls.
In the frame of this project Tesat designed, manufactured and tested a BB and an EM of an Electronic power conditioner (EPC) for Very High Power S-Band TWT with 500W.
This project addresses the design, development and industrialization of a novel Ka band bidirectional Fly-Away terminal.
The terminal is intended for basic broadcasting users and for more demanding performance applications as well.
Pre-development and testing of cell assembly technology based on GaAs multi-junction solar cells on 20 µm and 80 µm Ge.
System level study and trade-off of the ultra-thin GaAs multi-junction solar generator.
The target of this project was to develop a new range of EPC that allows SSPAs to replace Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) in
the power range and allows a significant improvement on implementation aspects for some applications. The EPC is able to provide up to 250W with efficiency over than 90%.
The project is composed of 3 topics aimed to improve harness mass, cost and performances:
1 - Improvement of waveguide harness attachment solutions
2 - Evolution of waveguide materials and processes
3 - Diversification and consolidation of supplier panel